echo >>t:report.form " [Please note: this form will be feed into a script, thus be"
echo >>t:report.form " careful and do not alter the layout - all placeholders (*"%***")"
echo >>t:report.form " MUST be left aligned and left alone on their lines.]*N"
echo >>t:report.form "First, please give a short summary (<=75 chars) ...*N*N%comment:*N*N%%*N"
echo >>t:report.form "Place your text between *"%text:*" and *"%%*" ...*N*N%text:*N*N%%*N"
echo >>t:report.form "Identifier for references to this report - just leave it alone ...*N*N%id:*N$bugreportID-$bugreportUSERNAME@$bugreportHOSTNAME*N%%*N"
echo >>t:report.form " Thank you for your cooperation. Information about your"
echo >>t:report.form "system/setup follows, _please_ do not alter it, as this may be"
echo >>t:report.form "important for tracing bugs ...*N"